IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments push high-energy light into the skin at various wavelengths to target pigment, collagen, hair follicles and other issues that occur at different depths of tissue.

Our LUCENT IPL is a state-of-the-art device that can effectively treat a range of issues including acne, sun damage & pigmentation, vascular lesions, and fine lines & wrinkles.



Most people are born with luminous glowing skin. For many, skin concerns develop as we age, and leave us turning to makeup and photo filters to feel more confident. With LUCENT IPL, you can get back that bright, even, youthful complexion, so you can love your skin again. Enjoy the confidence to go filter free!


During an IPL treatment, the pulses may cause a snapping sensation & warmth but are typically very well tolerated. Following your treatment, brown spots will darken and skin may appear red for 3-24 hours. Your improved complexion should be visible 1-3 weeks post treatment. Best results typically require a series of 3 to 5 treatments, spaced 1 month apart.


Treat Acne

IPL is an effective treatment for acne. LUCENT emits specific wavelengths of light to target P. acnes bacteria, resulting in selective destruction of the bacteria. 

Skin Rejuvenation – "Photorejuvenation"

LUCENT offers a non-invasive rejuvenation treatment aimed to improve the look of fine wrinkles and tighten the skin.

Treat Pigment & Sun Damage

IPL is a popular choice used to treat one of the most popular patient complaints – photoaged skin. Treat freckles, age spots, melasma, vascular lesions, and more.

Treat Vascular Lesions

IPL improves vascular lesions by raising the blood vessel temperature high enough to cause its coagulation. This results in gentle and even coagulation over the entire vessel.