Bathroom Calling? Let EMSELLA Answer!

It’s a topic we may shy away from, yet it’s something we need to be talking about MORE! Ladies, it happens to so many of us. Things from vaginal delivery of the sweetest bundle of joy you’ve ever laid eyes on to menopause and aging can weaken and decondition the pelvic floor muscles leading to leakage, incontinence, and uncomfortable intimacy. We are often told the importance of strengthening these muscles after childbirth and as we age, but how many of us REALLY remember to discreetly do the 30-40 Kegels daily that Harvard Medical School recommends? 

Your pelvic floor muscles are the layer of muscles that span the bottom of your pelvis and support the pelvic organs. The bladder is the most involved organ in a pelvic prolapse. There are three types of urinary incontinence, which can be defined as the involuntary leakage of urine, and include stress, urge, and mixed. Stress incontinence happens when pressure is exerted on the bladder by exercising, laughing, or reacting to those pesky warm weather allergies with coughs and sneezes. Urge incontinence is the sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently, regardless of when you went last. Finally, mixed incontinence involves a combination of each of these incidences. 


Whether weakening stems from menopause, pregnancy, stress, or injury, the discomfort of urinary and intimate struggles does not have to be your reality! We are proud to offer a solution at Ducharme Dermatology that will not only strengthen your pelvic floor more efficiently than your own kegel efforts but also a non-invasive treatment session typically lasting no more than 30 minutes! 

BTL Emsella is a revolutionary breakthrough treatment for increasing confidence and decreasing incontinence in women. Emsella is designed to target pelvic floor muscles with HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic ) technology in a quick and painless session. By delivering the equivalent of 11,000 kegel exercises in one treatment, the Emsella chair far exceeds the efficacy of your own body and mind’s ability to strengthen your pelvic floor on your own. 


During the treatment, you will experience a tingling sensation and contractions of your pelvic floor muscles. However, the non-invasive treatment does not require a recovery period and won’t interfere with your ability to resume normal daily activities immediately! Through the delivery of thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions in each session, Emsella has displayed a 95% increase in quality of life and a 75% reduction in the need for leak pads, according to five clinical studies published on the groundbreaking treatment. Many patients may observe improvement after a single session, and the results will typically continue to increase and improve throughout the following weeks as you work through your treatment sessions.

Our recommendation typically includes a series of six treatments for maximum results, but we want to determine what’s best to meet your individual needs! When you are ready to get started on the path towards greater comfort and confidence, schedule a consultation at our office by giving us a call or texting at (515) 987-0333. We look forward to helping you!

alex ducharme